
    scpi_parameter_t * parameter,
    scpi_bool_t suffixAllowed);

This function is for testing, if parameter is numeric type or not.

If suffixAllowed is TRUE and number is with suffix e.g. 10.5 V, it will also return TRUE, otherwise, it will return FALSE in this situation.

It is possible to use functions SCPI_ParamToInt, SCPI_ParamToUnsignedInt or SCPI_ParamToDouble to convert the parameter into number.

Usage example

scpi_bool_t res;
scpi_parameter_t param1;
uint32_t value = 0;

res = SCPI_Parameter(context, &param1, FALSE);

if (res) {
    // Is parameter a number without suffix?
    if (SCPI_ParamIsNumber(&param1, FALSE) {
        // Convert parameter to unsigned int. Result is in value.
        SCPI_ParamToUnsignedInt(context, &param1, &value);